Wednesday 8 August 2012

Blot prints

Blot prints have been a tool used by psychologists for many years, otherwise known as the Rorshcach test. The general idea of this test is to examine a persons emotional functioning and  personality characteristics. Each of the prints have perfect bilateral symmetry. The patient would be shown various different "inkblot" prints and they have to describe what they are seeing. The psychologist would analyze not only what the patient thinks that they see, but the complexity of their thoughts. 

Some of my own blot prints. 

 This kind of "bilateral symmetry" occurs in nature constantly.. I think thats why alot of these prints are similar of natural things, (even though this was not purposeful) such as organs, plants and animals. The joy of these images is that their interpretation is completely up to the viewers imagination

Wednesday 1 August 2012

The psychology of shapes and colour

Psychologists, and artists, architects and  designers have for years studied the effects of shapes and colour on the human mind. we associate different colours and shapes with different emotions, or see different objects  based on our life experience, our feelings at the time, also based on some pretty standard universal rules.

 For example, square and rectangular shapes Stability, Strength ,Power, Balance and Reliability, where as curved shapes are often seen as signifying rhythm, movement , Happiness , pleasure, femininity. Different colours signify different things such as earthy colours and blues and greens give more a sense of tranquility and peace, where as more red and violet colours can bring a sense of passion and aggressiveness.